Wednesday, September 8, 2021

bored panda scary stories

Coldrick told Bored Panda that his inspiration for the series of creepy stories sprung from his love for horror films, books, and spooky internet stories. When my kids were little my oldest claimed they had an "imaginary friend" I've always been open to the super natural so I never dissuaded them. One night while lying in my bed I saw this little girl peek out from my kids bedroom. She had a white night gown and short brown hair with a ribbon in it. (she looked like from the 1800's to very early 1900's and we lived in a historic part of town) she giggled but no sound came out but I heard it in my head.

bored panda scary stories - Coldrick told Bored Panda that his inspiration for the series of creepy stories sprung from his love for horror films

She looked visibly frightened and ran back in to the room. It literally took longer to type this out than the situation itself. The next day my daughter looked at me dead pan "You met "Sarah" Momma? I said "how did you know?

bored panda scary stories - When my kids were little my oldest claimed they had an

We were all calling the voice mail at the house, several times a day, just to hear her voice. One day, about two weeks after she died, I called and heard my dad's robotic voice. When I asked why he recorded over her voice, he said one of his "friends" had called and told him it was creepy to hear her voice, so he got rid of it. To this day I still kick myself for not having recorded it.

bored panda scary stories - One night while lying in my bed I saw this little girl peek out from my kids bedroom

When I was about 14 middle of the night, just me, my mom and baby sister in the house. I wake up hearing heavy footsteps walk up to the hall towards out bedrooms and stop. I turned icy cold, you know the sounds of people you live with, this wasn't one of them. I was so scared then I hear my mom call my name from her bedroom, she sounds scared, "Did you hear that?" "Yes Mom". So we left Saturday of that week, I had told my parents I had a bad feeling about driving up there, but they dismissed me as being anxious, but I had never felt so certain about something in my life.

bored panda scary stories - She had a white night gown and short brown hair with a ribbon in it

Getting into that car felt like signing my death sentence. So we get about 6 hours in, and at this point, I start to think I was being ridiculous, and a wave of calmness just washes over me. My dad passes an underpass and everything just shifts.

bored panda scary stories - she looked like from the 1800

I feel like I saw everything in slow motion for a whole 4 or so minutes. My parents were joking beforehand, but their faces moved so slowly, and then the light in the car started to shift. This was the scary part because I thought I must have been going insane. For a few seconds, there was a huge illumination of light into our car, and I looked at my family, and could not tell who they were or what they meant to me. And then it's like everything just came back. The light shifted back, and I knew who everyone was, but it felt like something imperceptible had changed.

bored panda scary stories - She looked visibly frightened and ran back in to the room

Artist Edd Lai is on a mission to bring some light into our lives and he's creating dark comics to do so. Mixing the real with the surreal, the 29-year-old from Taiwan is creating horror stories that are quite short yet totally immersive. And it's not just the Internet who's in love with Edd's dark drawings. The artist started the series back in April 2015 as an attempt to battle laziness.

bored panda scary stories - It literally took longer to type this out than the situation itself

"I had wanted to do a continuing webcomic for a while, but I was worried I'd lose interest after starting a story I thought if each installment was a snippet of a different tale I could start afresh each time. It also had the great side effect of leaving much of the story to be decided by the reader. It's probably the main reason people enjoy the series," told Brian in an interview with Bored Panda. He says that the inspiration for his comics came from reading various "Creepy Pastas" , supernatural encounters on sites like Reddit and horror comic artists like Junji Ito and Emily Carroll. Three days ago I was having conversation with my father and he was telling me about his university life. Basically my dad came from nothing, he had a very difficult up bringing and went to the worst school and high school in our city.

bored panda scary stories - The next day my daughter looked at me dead pan

When it was time for him to join university, my grandfather passed away leaving my dad to take care for the rest of the family as he was the oldest son. He took a wrong a major because of the wrong advices of the people and how he regrets that to this day. The courses were taught in English which is a second language for us and how he didn't even know the language.

bored panda scary stories - We were all calling the voice mail at the house

My dad told me that it was the darkest times in his life and he just wanted to run away and was even thinking of taking his own life. Now very recently he got his masters in English literature and he was telling me that he didn't think it would be ever possible for him. My dad just recently finished this degree at an age of 55. There's an urban legend saying that the famous "For sale, Baby shoes, Never worn" story by Ernest Hemingway came from a $10 bet. Supposedly, he made it during lunch with some other writers to prove that he could create a scary story in just six words. After penning the famous line on a napkin, he passed it around the table and pocketed his winnings.

bored panda scary stories - One day

Whether it's true or not, the average person is no Hemingway, so we need a few more words to scribble a captivating horror story. And a subreddit called r/TwoSentenceHorror seems to have found the perfect limit. It's still short, so readers get through the submissions really fast, yet it's vague enough to give the writers space to work with.

bored panda scary stories - When I asked why he recorded over her voice

It turns out, quite a few Internet users have dark thoughts and the ability to express them. That or Stephen King made a lot of Reddit accounts. There are many reasons why one might enjoy a good horror story. One, for example, is the adrenaline rush, after being scared. The other is that some of us like to experience an overwhelming amount of complex emotions. It also helps, that the scary stories are not happening to you, so you can still feel relatively safe while experiencing it.

bored panda scary stories - To this day I still kick myself for not having recorded it

And bigger doesn't always mean better, especially when it comes to scary stuff. Sometimes it's the small things that are the most terrifying, like an unexpected spider in the bathtub, for instance, a creaking floorboard in the dead of night, or Donald Trump's tiny hands. Those are the real-life horror stories that give us an adrenaline rush. I was in my room drawing, when I heard a noise, sort of like a footstep. It was around 8 PM at the time, so it was pretty dark. Since my parents were home, I immediately assumed that it was one of them coming up the stairs.

bored panda scary stories - When I was about 14 middle of the night

So, I went to go say hi, and opened my door. At the end of the hallway, there was a figure of a man that seemed to be around the same height as my dad. I thought that it was my dad, and reached out my hands to go hug him. My hands went through thin air, and what I thought was my dad was gone.

bored panda scary stories - I wake up hearing heavy footsteps walk up to the hall towards out bedrooms and stop

My dad was sitting downstairs, reading a book. This never happened again after that night. One day when she was pregnant with my older brother, she was in the passenger seat while my father was driving. Although, she suddenly heard a calm female voice talk to her in her head, telling her to be calm and to put the hood of her jacket over her head, and to tuck her hands in the sleeves of her jacket.

bored panda scary stories - I turned icy cold

Now, my mother recognized the voice as the same voice who saved her from the exploding light bulb, so she immediately complied. A few minutes passed when suddenly, the car drove over black ice, and my father lost control over the car. The car ended up flipping over a few times before coming to a stop.

bored panda scary stories - I was so scared then I hear my mom call my name from her bedroom

When my mother opened her eyes, she saw that there was glass absolutely everywhere, and that there was blood on her . A woman saw the crash so she got out of the car to help my mother and father. The whole times, she stayed with my mother because she was obviously pregnant. A little later, EMS arrived and brought my parents to the hospital to see if they were alright. Brian says he draws the characters by hand and uses Photoshop for the backgrounds, texture and animation. When asked about his creative process, the artist says he usually starts with the image first and rarely starts with the phrase.

bored panda scary stories - So we left Saturday of that week

"Rather than a coherent story, the first step is usually one element. In the early days of the series it might have been a desire to draw a particular kind of creepy monster, but later on it's been the setting. A kitchen at night illuminated by a fridge light, or an escalator on the Underground. Sometimes it can be something darker like the loneliness, doubts or anxieties that emerge once no one else is around," says Brian. Brian says he draws the characters by hand and uses Photoshop for the backgrounds, texture, and animation.

bored panda scary stories - Getting into that car felt like signing my death sentence

When asked about his creative process, the artist claims that he usually begins with the picture initially and seldom begins with the phrase. "Rather than a coherent story, the initial step is usually one element. In the first days of the series it could have been a desire to draw out a specific type of creepy creature, but later on, it's been the setting. A kitchen at night illuminated using a refrigerator light, or an escalator on the Underground. Occasionally it can be something darker such as the solitude, doubts or anxieties that arise once nobody else is around," states Brian. You guys my dad started crying he told me that he will talk to me when he returns.

bored panda scary stories - So we get about 6 hours in

Well he returned and he just hugged me and was telling me that how 30 years ago he was visiting the same town and it was the time when he was at his lowest. He was visiting the same relatives and he was in a bus which stopped at a petrol station. He called his mother and when he picked the phone without even dialling he heard my voice. It was me telling him the exact same thing which I just said yesterday. He said that he didn't even called my grandmother, he just stood there and cried.

bored panda scary stories - My dad passes an underpass and everything just shifts

He said he just now realized it was me whose voice he heard. I hate it when my brother Charlie has to go away. My parents constantly try to explain to me how sick he is. That I am lucky for having a brain where all the chemicals flow properly to their destinations like undammed rivers. I always beg for them to give him one last chance.

bored panda scary stories - I feel like I saw everything in slow motion for a whole 4 or so minutes

Charlie has been back home several times, each shorter in duration than the last. Every time without fail, it all starts again. The neighborhood cats with gouged out eyes showing up in his toy chest, my dad's razors found dropped on the baby slide in the park across the street, mom's vitamins replaced by bits of dishwasher tablets.

bored panda scary stories - My parents were joking beforehand

My parents are hesitant now, using "last chances" sparingly. They say his disorder makes him charming, makes it easy for him to fake normalcy, and to trick the doctors who care for him into thinking he is ready for rehabilitation. That I will just have to put up with my boredom if it means staying safe from him. It makes me have to pretend to be good until he is back. The artist started the series back in April 2015 as an attempt to combat laziness.

bored panda scary stories - This was the scary part because I thought I must have been going insane

It also had the fantastic negative effect of leaving much of the narrative to be determined by the reader. It is most likely the main reason people enjoy the series," informed Brian in a meeting with Bored Panda. He states that the inspiration for his comic books came from reading different "Creepy Pastas," supernatural encounters on sites like Reddit and terror comic artists such as Junji Ito and Emily Carroll. The next morning my dad had to drive to this town because his distant relatives live there and they are struggling financially, my dad is very a kind soul and he wanted to help them . He usually takes public transport but didn't because of recent crisis. He drove there and my mom was worried so we decided we will keep calling him after every hour to check.

bored panda scary stories - For a few seconds

Well i decided to call him , now keep in mind because it's highway network signals get very weak. He told me to wait and parked at a nearby restaurant it was like a check point for trucks. I don't know what came over me but I started crying and went on to tell him how proud i was of him, i just babbled and kept saying that he shouldn't think he is lacking because he is not. He was an amazing father and a great person to look up to.

bored panda scary stories - And then its like everything just came back

She was coming home from work one day and she saw something on the road. It almost looked like a person wearing all black, she couldn't see his face. So she gets out of the car and hesitantly walks over to the man and says, "sir? are you alright?" the man stands up and towers over her. The man tells her, "someone you love is going to die in 3 days, 3 months, or 3 years" and he disappears. Completely dumbfounded and shocked, my Gramma gets in her car and speeds down the road, and returns home that night. It started one night, probably around the month of January.

bored panda scary stories - The light shifted back

I live in this small house so there wasn't anything that creepy until night fell. As I walked to my bed, I could see a shadow behind me, not mine, but a shadow looking like a demon. In order to determine if nothing was there, I returned and looked at the shadow but found nothing. As I turned around, I saw something really weird.

bored panda scary stories - Artist Edd Lai is on a mission to bring some light into our lives and he

I saw a doll-like shadow with glowing eyes. I turned the other side and then again back to see that the shadow was gone. I finally turned off the lights, hearing strange sounds as I slept. Maybe you remember my last post from my 'Silent Horror' comic series on DarkBox, well here are some more scary drawings for you to enjoy! I am a Malaysian artist that uses a signature storytelling style without any dialogue, and that leaves these horror stories up to the viewer's interpretation.

bored panda scary stories - Mixing the real with the surreal

Scroll down to be spooked and get your dose of the good old-fashioned scary stories to tell in the dark. If you're still not shaken senseless, check out more bit-sized horror stories here. New York-based artist and CollegeHumor head illustrator Jacob Andrews has plucked some of the eeriest two-sentence horror stories from the depths of Reddit and turned them into a short series of chilling comics.

bored panda scary stories - And it

When it comes to Coldrick's creative process, the order can vary. When my mother was a teenager, she was in her room, on her bed, reading a book. But while she was reading she heard a female voice in her head telling her to get out of the room. My mother was freaked out but thought it was only her imagination so she ignored.

bored panda scary stories - The artist started the series back in April 2015 as an attempt to battle laziness

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